Thursday, October 8, 2009

Double Whammy

It's flu season, the H1N1 strain is making its rounds... and this is the time of year my immune system is most susceptible, so it's no surprise that I caught the flu recently. Oh, but I'm still surprised! My body decided that one bout of influenza wasn't enough so, instead, I caught two different types. Back to back! ...This kind of thing should just not be possible. Ever. And that's all I have to say about that.

In other, more relevant news, the next 663A music performance/party is being planned out! I'll post more details here once everything is ready to be advertised, but if you're in Toronto and looking to join us then mark October 30th in your calendars~! Dr. PEACE MAKER has returned from Japan for a few months, so definitely come out to see us performing together!! :D

As always, Full Circle songs are currently in the works, so I hope to have news of new completed tracks over the next couple of months as well~ I want to start finishing songs more consistently, and there are maaany songs to finish, so wish me luck!! Things should definitely pick up again throughout fall and winter~! I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

heeeey. take care dani! and have fun performing!

O-Mocha said...

ouou!! thank youuuuuuu~ ♥

Unknown said...

sketchy, whos that anonymous person...? lol