Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Decided!

Although I haven't been able to push completely through my music block just yet, A-KICKS and I have decided what to name ourselves!: Full Circle is our duo name! It "only" took us 6 months to think of it haha. ;D

Apart from that, AKA KOROSHIYA is over in Japan now and planning some great music projects, and A-KICKS is composing great tracks, as always... so I'm hoping some of that inspiration will trickle over to me too! The motivation is there, but I need something to kick-start it some more. Let's see where this month takes me!


Anonymous said...

Yay! cool name!
When are you gonna drop the first album?
(try to plan to release it around my bday so I don't feel so guilty when I mooch it off you :P)
moochie moochie~ :P

O-Mocha said...

hahaha~ I'll do my best~! ;P
it'd be great if we could release something to Tower Records when we get to Tokyo.. apparently Monkey Majik did the same thing for their first EP, before being signed to a major label~! *o* yeah yeah!