I put together lists of ideas using a few different methods:
- mixing the letters of our stage names together (this turned out to be harder than I imagined...),
- combining our real names (but I'm told that DANIMITSU is ダサい)
- putting together letters from the names of music styles that we like
Looking for inspiration on the internet, I found that there are a few resources that attempt to help music groups and bands in this task by providing lists of names that have been suggested by other internet users. Sounds good, right? But there was pretty much no help there. On the other hand, if I ever create a metal band...
By the way, Happy Canada Day! (or what's left of it)
happy canada day!!!!!!!!!!
haha danimitsu.. Noooooo!!!
Thanks Aki~~~ ♥
DANIMITSU is amazing!! .....okay, that's a lie. haha
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