Saturday, December 25, 2010
Happy Holidays~!
Just a quick entry to wish a very Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it!! :D My first Christmas in Japan has ended, but for all my friends and family back home in Canada, England, and the Caribbean who are still celebrating the holiday, I hope you're having a great time!! I love you guys~!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Little Moments and Future Shows
Hey all~ This time the gap between music updates is much shorter! The latest Full Circle track, entitled Little Moments, is now available for listening on our MySpace page! Once again we went a slightly different direction with this song, so I hope you enjoy listening to the sounds and words that come forth in this one! The lyrics to this song are especially dear to me, and the song itself was a long time coming, so I'm excited to finally put it all out there!
In other news, the month of November is looking up in terms of O-Mocha and Full Circle performance opportunities!! There are three performances planned for this month, so I hope that those of you who are in the Tokyo area will be able to come out and hear us sing! Have a look at the details below! :D
2,500yen / 1 drink
With flyer, 2.000yen / NO drink
Get the web flyer here!
Live Performance by
Ayaka + Dr. PEACEMAKER featuring O-Mocha
For more details about the many performers going on stage that night, check out the official event page here!
**Live performance of bands, singers, & DJ @ VUENOS (B1F/1F)
**Art exhibition and movie screenings @ Lounge NEO (5F/6F)
ADV: 1500yen + 1 drink ticket (500yen)
[Door: 2500yen + 1 drink ticket (500yen)]
Many different performers and artists will be at this event, including bands, emcees, singers, and DJs, so there will be lots listen to!!
Visit the website or Facebook Event page for more info!
詳細はHODGEPODGEのHPをご覧下さい。 ish/hodgepodge
In other news, the month of November is looking up in terms of O-Mocha and Full Circle performance opportunities!! There are three performances planned for this month, so I hope that those of you who are in the Tokyo area will be able to come out and hear us sing! Have a look at the details below! :D
Friday, November 5th, 2010
FLAVA ~2010 Final Special~
at 27destiny (Shibuya, Tokyo)
東京都渋谷区円山町2-4 ジーカンスビル1F
TEL 03-3496-2727
2,500yen / 1 drink
With flyer, 2.000yen / NO drink
Get the web flyer here!
Live Performance by
Ayaka + Dr. PEACEMAKER featuring O-Mocha
For more details about the many performers going on stage that night, check out the official event page here!
Saturday, November 6th, 2010
@shimokitazawa CLUB ERA
東京都世田谷区北沢2-34-5 プリマヴェール下北沢4F
TEL 03-5465-6568
open/start 24:00~5:00
entrance fee \1500/1D w/f \1000/1D
Full Circle
Check out the mixi community here:
@shimokitazawa CLUB ERA
東京都世田谷区北沢2-34-5 プリマヴェール下北沢4F
TEL 03-5465-6568
open/start 24:00~5:00
entrance fee \1500/1D w/f \1000/1D
Full Circle
Check out the mixi community here:
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
"HODGEPODGE(ホッジポッジ)" - Live Music & Art
1:00pm - 9:00pm
〒150-0043 東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-21-7
TEL 03-5458-2551
〒150-0043 東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-21-7
TEL 03-5458-2551
HODGEPODGE is an art and music event hosted by GuitarFish Media trying to create the bridge between Japan and the world of music. Our goal is to have an international collaboration of musicians and visual artists from all over the world in hopes of creating this international hodgepodge. All genres and art work welcome. We want to raise funds and awareness to support local artists and musicians from in and around Tokyo. We also would like to expose our audiences to different genres and interests to other than that of mainstream medias.
**Live performance of bands, singers, & DJ @ VUENOS (B1F/1F)
**Art exhibition and movie screenings @ Lounge NEO (5F/6F)
ADV: 1500yen + 1 drink ticket (500yen)
[Door: 2500yen + 1 drink ticket (500yen)]
Many different performers and artists will be at this event, including bands, emcees, singers, and DJs, so there will be lots listen to!!
Visit the website or Facebook Event page for more info!!/event.php?eid=165979356747860
HODGEPODGE はGuitarFish Media 主催の音楽及びファインアートの総合エンターテインメン トイベントです。世界の様々なジャンルのミュージシャン やアーティストを招き、国籍、人種、年齢、ジャンル、な どといった様々な壁を超え、どなたでも気兼ねなく、気軽 に楽しんで頂く事を目的としたインターナショナルな企画 です。金銭面や練習場所、自分の作品を披露するのにとて も肩身の狭い思いをしながら活動するミュージシャンやア ーティスト。そして他国に比べ、音楽やアートに対して未 だ関心が低い日本。その中心の東京で活動する無名のミュ ージシャンやアーティスト達の活躍の場をもっと広げたい 。また、世の中の皆さんに様々なジャンルに触れてもらい 、主流のメディア以外にもすばらしいアーティストや作品 がある事を知って頂きたい。こういった想いからこのHO DGEPODGEを開催する決断を致しました。
当イベントは、2010年11月23日(勤労感謝の日) に、渋谷のVuenos Tokyoと同ビルのLounge Neoにて行います。13時にオープンし、14時からパ フォーマンスをスタートした後、21時までミュージシャ ンやアーティスト達によるライブパフォーマンスやアート の展示を行います。VUENOS TOKYOのメインステージにてバンド、シンガー、DJ などを含めた約20組がパフォーマンスを行います。同時 に同ビルのLounge Neo をアートのエキシビジョンスペースとし、様々なスタイル を持ったアーティスト達の作品を巨大なドーム型の壁とプ ロジェクターを使って展示します。
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
iTunes Japan Debut~!
It's been a while! After another months-long hiatus from blogging, I'm glad to announce my debut on the Japanese iTunes Store~!
We were lucky enough to be asked to contribute to this compilation album, Acoustic Autumn ~ Seasoning of Songs~ , which was recorded a couple of months back. From today on, Oct 6th (Japan time), it is finally on sale on iTunes!! This album features a selection of new artists bringing a fresh voice to various Autumn-themed songs by well-known Japanese artists.
If you have access to the iTunes Japan Store, please support the first professional foray of Full Circle!! Check out Acoustic Autumn ~Seasoning of Songs~ on iTunes! Each track is ¥150 or you can get the entire album for only ¥600~
Singing a cover of ORIGINAL LOVE's 「月の裏で会いましょう」 gave me my first opportunity to sing with mellow, acoustic style music, so if you check out the album and/or my contribution to it (thank you! ;D), please be gentle with me!
More new music from Full Circle will be coming at you soon~ Until next time!
We were lucky enough to be asked to contribute to this compilation album, Acoustic Autumn ~ Seasoning of Songs~ , which was recorded a couple of months back. From today on, Oct 6th (Japan time), it is finally on sale on iTunes!! This album features a selection of new artists bringing a fresh voice to various Autumn-themed songs by well-known Japanese artists.
If you have access to the iTunes Japan Store, please support the first professional foray of Full Circle!! Check out Acoustic Autumn ~Seasoning of Songs~ on iTunes! Each track is ¥150 or you can get the entire album for only ¥600~
Singing a cover of ORIGINAL LOVE's 「月の裏で会いましょう」 gave me my first opportunity to sing with mellow, acoustic style music, so if you check out the album and/or my contribution to it (thank you! ;D), please be gentle with me!
More new music from Full Circle will be coming at you soon~ Until next time!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Full Circle ♥ Tokyo
Wow, it's been a while! I've already been in Tokyo for over a month now (coming up on two months, actually), but this is my first blog post since arriving...! What can I say? My procrastination habits are still as present as ever.
But thankfully this doesn't extend to music! A-KICKS and I have a new Full Circle song completed~ Check out our new song Jump on the Full Circle MySpace! The song is at the bottom of the list at the moment (MySpace has some kind of bug right now, I can't change the song order!), so don't miss it!! We would love to hear some feedback for this new track, so don't be shy about commenting! ;D
Anyway, back to Tokyo! ♥ The first couple of weeks felt incredibly surreal, I think I was walking around in a starry-eyed daze. Now I think it's finally settled in that I'm here! I love this city, it's so interesting and there is so much more I want to see of it! Not to mention all the other people I still want to meet and reunite with! The 663A Tokyo (and Osaka) peeps I've connected with so far have been amazing, as always. I'm looking forward to getting some collaborations and performances going, hopefully within the next month or so!
Right now, 663A's latest party HOT JAM is going down in Toronto, and I'm sure everybody's kickin' it in UpperUpper gear!! いいな~ (I miss you guys~~!!!)
Until next time!
But thankfully this doesn't extend to music! A-KICKS and I have a new Full Circle song completed~ Check out our new song Jump on the Full Circle MySpace! The song is at the bottom of the list at the moment (MySpace has some kind of bug right now, I can't change the song order!), so don't miss it!! We would love to hear some feedback for this new track, so don't be shy about commenting! ;D
Anyway, back to Tokyo! ♥ The first couple of weeks felt incredibly surreal, I think I was walking around in a starry-eyed daze. Now I think it's finally settled in that I'm here! I love this city, it's so interesting and there is so much more I want to see of it! Not to mention all the other people I still want to meet and reunite with! The 663A Tokyo (and Osaka) peeps I've connected with so far have been amazing, as always. I'm looking forward to getting some collaborations and performances going, hopefully within the next month or so!
Right now, 663A's latest party HOT JAM is going down in Toronto, and I'm sure everybody's kickin' it in UpperUpper gear!! いいな~ (I miss you guys~~!!!)
Until next time!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
行ってきまーーーす! (See you later, Toronto!)
It's 3:30am and I should be sleeping, but I'm so keyed up and excited...! In less than 24 hours from now I'll be on Japanese soil for the first time!! This past Sunday was my farewell (and birthday!) get together, so I've said goodbye to many of my friends in Toronto... and now I'm ready to say hello to many others in Tokyo!
Thanks to everyone who has shared their vibe with me, inspired me, taught me, and motivated me over the past year, two years, and even longer! I feel so happy that I can move forward with great people behind me and around me. Love you guys!!♥
Now's the time for Full Circle and 663A in Japan!!!
Thanks to everyone who has shared their vibe with me, inspired me, taught me, and motivated me over the past year, two years, and even longer! I feel so happy that I can move forward with great people behind me and around me. Love you guys!!♥
Now's the time for Full Circle and 663A in Japan!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New Track!!
Our newest Full Circle track is now available over at the Full Circle MySpace! This track had its debut performance in Toronto last month at Toika Lounge (although there were some technical difficulties, so only half of the vocals could be heard) and now it's fully mastered and ready to be heard online. The song is called Don't Say Goodbye has more of an R&B feel~ Have a listen, I hope you enjoy it!! ♥
Saturday, April 10, 2010
It's been a while since I blogged, so here are some updates! Most obvious, of course, are the changes I've made to the layout here. I'm also in the midst of revamping the look of mine and A-KICKS' MySpace pages, so look out for that to be finished soon! As of yesterday, a combined Full Circle MySpace page is now available, as well as a Fan Page on Facebook!! If you have an account with Facebook, then please head on over and become a fan! ;D
As far as music goes, new Full Circle tracks are underway, and one in particular is especially close to completion. Now that it's April, and I have just over a month until I head over to Japan, I'm starting to get really hyped about making more progress in music! We have lots of songs that are partially done at this point, so I'm betting that once I'm in Tokyo with A-KICKS we will motivate each other to get things done.
In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for more updates here (I swear I'll actually post something), and head on over to the new 663A Blog to see what our fellow crew members are getting up to~!
Edit: Two recent collaboration tracks with DJ and emcee Dr. Peacemaker have been added to MySpace! (Nevermind that they've been finished for moooonths and were already available on his MySpace...! hahaha)
As far as music goes, new Full Circle tracks are underway, and one in particular is especially close to completion. Now that it's April, and I have just over a month until I head over to Japan, I'm starting to get really hyped about making more progress in music! We have lots of songs that are partially done at this point, so I'm betting that once I'm in Tokyo with A-KICKS we will motivate each other to get things done.
In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for more updates here (I swear I'll actually post something), and head on over to the new 663A Blog to see what our fellow crew members are getting up to~!
Edit: Two recent collaboration tracks with DJ and emcee Dr. Peacemaker have been added to MySpace! (Nevermind that they've been finished for moooonths and were already available on his MySpace...! hahaha)
full circle,
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Let Your Backbone Sliiiiiiiiiide...into 2010
Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had some great Christmas holiday and New Year celebrations!! 2009 went by pretty quickly for me, but I think it finally sunk in that the new year has begun... maybe because I just finished my first week back in classes at university haha~ So now it's time to buckle down again and get some work done!! I'm hoping I can soon extend this to recording music again as well, but for some reason sore throats and tonsillitis have been plaguing me on and off (more often than not, unfortunately) since way back in November...! In the meantime, I'll be writing lyrics and planning new songs so Full Circle's progress can stay on track~ And maybe A-KICKS will be laying down some of his vocals during this time too. ;D I really miss hearing his singing!! ♥
Anyway, as I said, the school year has begun again so projects and deadlines will be filling up the next few months... but before that happens, I think a little bit of partying is in order!! If you're in Toronto next Friday, check out this event, organized with the help of 663A!:
If you're a lover of music, dance, or downtown nightlife, come on out to Nocturne on Friday, January 15th and LET YOUR BACKBONE SLIDE! Celebrate the first month of the new year with a night of great vibes, cheap drinks, and hot music!
This event will help the graduating class of York/Sheridan Design (YSDN) to raise money for the upcoming 2010 YSDN Graduate Show. Please show your support by enjoying this all-night music party with us! DJs from Japan and Toronto will be spinning all the hottest dance music from Hip-Hop and R&B, to Electro and House, and more!
The Japanese-Canadian 663A music crew is lending a hand with this event, so expect the party to be full of hot DJs and freestyle dancing!
550 Queen Street West (Queen W & Bathurst)
Friday, January 15th, 2010
Cover: $8 at the door
19+ (I.D. Required)
Resident 663A DJs and guest DJs will be spinning, including:
DJ eYe
For more updates and information, check out the event page on Facebook!
Anyway, as I said, the school year has begun again so projects and deadlines will be filling up the next few months... but before that happens, I think a little bit of partying is in order!! If you're in Toronto next Friday, check out this event, organized with the help of 663A!:

This event will help the graduating class of York/Sheridan Design (YSDN) to raise money for the upcoming 2010 YSDN Graduate Show. Please show your support by enjoying this all-night music party with us! DJs from Japan and Toronto will be spinning all the hottest dance music from Hip-Hop and R&B, to Electro and House, and more!
The Japanese-Canadian 663A music crew is lending a hand with this event, so expect the party to be full of hot DJs and freestyle dancing!
550 Queen Street West (Queen W & Bathurst)
Friday, January 15th, 2010
Cover: $8 at the door
19+ (I.D. Required)
Resident 663A DJs and guest DJs will be spinning, including:
DJ eYe
For more updates and information, check out the event page on Facebook!
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