...'Cause there are
three new Full Circle songs up on
光 (Hikari), and, err.. a song that is as yet untitled! While all three tracks are produced by
A-KICKS (as usual ♥), they each have quite different sounds. We hope you enjoy them!!
In other news, I just noticed that MySpace increased their 6-song limit to 10 songs.... I really wish I'd noticed that before I removed three songs to make room for the new stuff! It's not a huge deal, I suppose, since I was able to add the older songs again... but now they're all at a play count of zero! Blarghargh!!! >:( Well, at least I only did it to my own MySpace... Aki's still has all the old play count statistics. :P

Anyway, the last thing I'll mention in this entry is the next (and final)
Music Neighbour Music Event, hosted by 663A! (See, I really am remembering to advertise it!) It's happening in downtown Toronto on
August 15th, at Nocturne Night Club, by Queen and Bathurst (550 Queen Street West). The doors open at 9pm, cover is just $5, and there are $4 drinks before 11pm! There are some awesome dancers, singers, and DJs lined up to perform, and the music will be non-stop all night! Music styles include Hip Hop, Electro, Drum n Bass, House, Reggae, Disco & Rare Groove~!
I hope lots of people can come out and enjoy the final party in the Music Neighbour series!! :D