So it's the New Year!! For some reason it feels slightly surreal that it's 2009 already... maybe because this is the last year of the "two thousand"s. Next year we'll be saying "twenty-ten", and all this "two thousand" business will be over... awww. ;P
Anyway, my New Years' was uneventful, unless you count being sick an adventure. And I realized after more than two days into the new year that I completely forgot about making a resolution, too...! But now I figure that since the resolution I made last year was decided in May... I may as well make this year's resolution in May too! (This might just be an excuse... but I can live with that.)
Unfortunately 2009 has started with a set-back for me: I no longer have any idea when I can go to Japan. At first the hold up was all document-related but now, especially with the current CAD to JPY exchange rate, it's clear that money is the main issue. So, I've got to put more effort into building up my savings!!
On that note, dear reader, please feel free to make a donation to my Mochatastic Money Basket! Be as generous as you like; I promise I won't refuse your money. >:D hahaha
Enjoy 2009, everyone! There'll be some new music updates before too long, I swear~ ;D